There are moments where I am reminded of the richness and sanctity of the work we do. Music has always been a sacred space for me, but like many others there are times where I experience obstacles and frustrations that make me feel distant from the root of this journey. In those moments I push forward with determination and stubbornness, taking one dark step at a time into the unknown, guided by intuition and surrendering to the call.
Last night’s duo show at Zenfinitea was an incredible experience, pulling me back to center and reminding me I’m on the right path. I am so grateful for these moments of clarity and affirmation. We came, we created, we connected, and collectively we shifted the energy. Ahead of the show, I’d felt the call to make bold moves energetically – perhaps timing was right, perhaps the channel was open… Within a few days some energetically-sensitive music friends had surfaced, and it felt right to invite them to share the space. Thanks to David DiBernardinis, artist, activist, and drum facilitator who added drumming and percussion; and “The Monk” Ronald Lawrence Hayes, author and meditation facilitator who added singing bowls. We appreciate your good juju.
This was no jam, but rather an elevation and expansion of energy. It was the healing atmosphere needed by us, by those who came to listen, and by the space itself. I’m so grateful for the gift of connection that music can be.