Category: A Songwriter’s Words

  • Past, Present, Future…

    In this life…I’ve overcome extraordinary obstacles, had great losses —and victories. I’ve held hands with the dying, aided my fellow man, and attended to the transition and passing of literally thousands of people…witnessing the space that remains. These experiences inform my work as a writer and influence my journey as a human being. These are…

  • Another Season of Heartbreak – A Song for the Givers

    For decades I’ve spoken of, and spoken up for, those who quietly and compassionately give of themselves to help others. Motivated by purpose, or kindness, or decency these folks appear on the sidelines of life offering aid in times of crisis. We are always grateful they’re willing… when the call for help is from our…

  • She Went Swimming in a River of Blood…

    River of Blood is a pulpy story about the breaking point. What happens when we’ve had enough? Catch this tale of a woman who finds a way to balance things out. Is there more to the story? Sure. Isn’t there always? Creatively speaking, everything has the potential to be woven in -that’s a songwriter’s life.…

  • Blues.GR talks to Julie Black

    “Jazz and Blues music speaks to the soul. These genres have a honesty in approach that honors real life, real people, real emotion.” Julie Black

  • Majesty of Hope – From the album Follow the Muse

    Majesty of Hope I want to believe I want to achieve I want to be the best that I can be I want to be free I want to have faith You know that state of grace… I want to wake up to a smiling face and… Feel the sweet embrace. There are times when…